Monday, December 7, 2009


Every morning for the past few weeks, I've expected to see a little tooth in Ava's mouth when she woke up because she's been chewing on everything and drooling like crazy. At one point yesterday, I felt her gums and I could feel a tooth. It hadn't broken through her gums yet, but it was about to. Along with a tooth cutting through comes crankiness... Ava was so fussy and cranky yesterday and I felt so bad for her. She was so tired all morning, but just wouldn't fall asleep even when we were holding her. She eventually took almost a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and was much more pleasant when she woke up. I gave her some teething drops and they seemed to help. Thankfully, the teething didn't effect her sleeping and she slept her usual 11ish hours.

This morning when I went to get Ava out of her crib, I looked in her mouth and I could see where her tooth was coming up! It must have come through enough so that it doesn't hurt so bad anymore because she's been in a great mood today. It's her bottom, left tooth in the front. It's so cute watching her because she keeps sucking in her bottom lip and running her tongue against her gums. And of course, she's still gnawing on everything that she can grab. I know I say it all the time, but I cannot believe how quickly she's growing up! She'll be 8 months next week!

Ava's so excited that she got her first tooth on her Danpa's birthday!

And a picture of Ava and her Danpa. Happy birthday Dad, we love you!


  1. Yea for Ava's 1st tooth, how exciting! I think Gracelyn will be getting one soon too as she has been fussy and has been chomping on her hand for the past week. I can't believe Ava is almost 8 months, WOW! What a beautiful little girl you two have, what a blessing! Love the picture of Ava sleeping on Danpa - I'm thinking frame it and there's his Christmas gift?? :)

  2. This sounds exactly like Eily today...maybe I'll see a tooth tomorrow? Let's hope so, because she is cruh-an-keeeeee! Sorry you couldn't make the disco, but this is a pretty understandable reason. Yet another milestone for pretty little Ava - woohoo!! :)
